
2023 – Worshipping God and serving the community.

In addition to our normal services, we invite you to join us for the Lent courses. We prepare to celebrate at Easter our salvation, brought by God’s wonderful resurrection of Jesus after his death.

Lent Courses:

‘Faith Hope and Destruction: Lent with the minor Prophets’   St Chad’s Church, Tuesdays at 11 a.m.
What hope is there in a world that appears to have taken leave of God and to be bent on self destruction?  This was the world the Jewish prophets lived in and the message that came through them to God’s people is as important now as it was then…
28th February Hosea—loving those that betray us. Here are the notes.
7th March Amos—When God’s patience runs out. Here are the notes
14th March Jonah– God loves everyone, but I am His favourite. Notes are here.
21st March Habbakuk-From fear to faith. Notes are here.
There is a sign up sheet for this course in St Chad’s Outer Vestibule to allow us to plan catering for lunch afterwards.

 “A Faith that Works” St Alkmund’s , Thursdays in March, 6.30 p.m.
Christians from a number of different jobs will talk about how their faith affects their work.

With refreshments from 6 p.m.

Speakers will talk about their experience of different working experiences and how God supported them in their vocation. Being a Christian affects all areas of our life, seven days a week, often in the most challenging of circumstances.


March 16th  Padre Jason Clarke  Army Chaplain
March 23rd  Rev Henry Corbett Minister in inner city Liverpool and warden of Shrewsbury House, Everton
March 30th  Andy and Louise Houghton Working in the NHS

Each talk commences at 6.30pm at St Alkmund’s and will last a maximum of one hour. The session will involve a mixture of talk, discussion and questions.


Regular services through Lent are shown on the front page of the website.


Let us use the time between now and Easter  to review our commitment to prayer, to participation, and to giving.