The prayer page for the wider Ministry to Shrewsbury.
This is an ecumenical page, inclusive of all churches in Shrewsbury. We also support Churches Together, the Shrewsbury Street Pastors and the Ark. If you have an event or an aspect of Shrewsbury Ministry for which you would like prayer via those who read this page, please email it with a few lines of explanation to [email protected]
Prayer changes things.
Pray that the name of Jesus be apparent throughout Shrewsbury, and for peace and safety in every aspect of Ministry.
Social ministry For the Ukrainian and other refugees in Shrewsbury, that they may find peace and comfort. Pray that any language barrier may be overcome by the tangible presence of God in the church building and town. For the homeless and victims of landlord-eviction; that they may find their needs are met. May we be willing to help in the most appropriate way. For the Trustees of Kyle’s Home as they prepare to launch the project, aided by Green Pastures: for wisdom and guidance. (Kyle was homeless in Shrewsbury and was cared for in part by Palmer’s Cafe – formerly Claremont Baptist. It will be a home for the homeless.) |
Ecumenical ministry Pray for the Community of St Chad, a diocese-wide group committed to a finding a deeper faith; that the work of the Holy Spirit may continue in each individual. Pray also for spiritual growth for members of Daylight, a similar thing in St Chad’s, and for the right connections to be drawn between them. Pray for Churches Together in Shrewsbury; for the emergence of a unity of purpose towards the wider ministry to the town. Please pray for all church leaders in Shrewsbury: bishops, priests, ministers, church wardens and any others with positions of leadership. For wisdom, spiritual inspiration and energy. In particular please pray for leaders of churches currently in an interregnum: Holy Cross (Abbey) and St Peter’s. Give thanks for the ministry of retired clergy, and pray, again, for wisdom, spiritual inspiration and energy. Pray, too, that the congregations may listen to God and respond.
Pastoral ministry For the Ark: for more volunteers, for safety. Give thanks for the new premises. For the Street Pastors: for more volunteers, for safety. For peace of mind in difficult circumstances. For the work in Palmer’s cafe with the homeless. |
Evangelistic ministry Please pray that we may find new and fresh ways of presenting the good news of our salvation through Jesus – quietly in our daily example, conversationally or any other way.